Vega MRT - Regeneration & Detoxification for your well-being

CALL US ON +968 2688 3710, +968 9414 7938

Spa Therapies Muscat Oman
Ayurvedic Health Resort Muscat
The Gym
Spa Therapies Muscat Oman
Ayurvedic Health Resort Muscat
The Gym

Vega MRT - Regeneration & Detoxification for your well-being

  • Rheumatic diseases
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Allergies
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Sports injuries
  • Skin diseases
  • Environmental ailments

Toxins and waste byproducts that have accumulated over the years often block the immune system to such an extent that it is unable to respond to naturopathic therapies. Thus, the organism needs to be detoxified prior to further treatment. Matrix Regeneration Therapy (MRT) flushes pollutants out of tissues and ensures that the body can evacuate them. The organism, freed of its long-term pollutants, is now again receptive to new situations and can regenerate itself.

  • Your body is cleaned and free of toxins and waste byproducts.
  • Muscle tension is eased and back pain reduced.
  • Joint treatment – you can once more engage in sports pain-free.
  • You create the best starting situation for any subsequent therapy.

A special suction massage flushes out waste byproducts and toxins - while at the same time, direct-current treatment regenerates tissues. Each VEGAMRT treatment is a strong immune system stimulus that mobilizes the body's own powers of resistance. Formation of red blood cells and the lymphatic system are likewise intensely stimulated. Blockages that hamper the body's energy flow are dissolved. Chronic tension-based spinal mal-positions are corrected.